Homerun ID Terms & Conditions

Homerun ID is a product of Homerun B.V. located at Singel 542, 1017 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The following Terms & Conditions apply.

Preview. This is a preview product, so it is still in development. It may not work properly. No guarantees.

Personal Use. You are allowed to use the product from this early stage for your own personal use, to manage your own career process, so not for commercial or business reasons.

Feedback. In return, we ask that you help us to make this product better by providing feedback, suggestions, enhancement requests, etc directly to us, spontaneously or upon our request.

Changes. The product may change at any moment: we may add features and remove them, or change the whole product if we want. You are not entitled to any particular feature or service. We can also update these Terms & Conditions at any time; we will inform you when we do so.

Term and Termination. At any time, we can stop, change or extend the preview program, or terminate your participation in the program for any reason. You too can stop participating in the preview program at any time. You can delete your account by sending an email to hello@homerun.id. After termination, you are no longer allowed to use the product and you are no longer required to provide any feedback.

Liability. We are not liable for any damages resulting from the use of the product. You will hold us harmless for any third-party claims relating to your misuse of the product, or anything you do or fail to do in violation of these rules.

Privacy and Personal Data. Please refer to the Privacy Statement.

Legal. The laws of The Netherlands apply and only the courts of Amsterdam are competent to settle any disputes.